Hey @aleksoft, for #TweakThursday, I'd love to know what you'd do to improve my latest viz https://t.co/sE37pXsbmW pic.twitter.com/6CjNwMdftv— Ben Jones (@DataRemixed) July 14, 2016
The main chart above is a scatter plot. Some time ago, Ben had a great article on creating scatter plot with lateral histograms. (It was called marginal histogram. Somehow, I like the word lateral better.) It is based on a design by Iron Viz Champion Shine Pulikathara.
Scatter plot is a two dimensional way of calibrating the distribution of data. As a complement, it has been a custom for people to add lateral histograms to the scatter plot. They help us see the one-dimensional distributions, which can give us more insights along either of the dimensions.
There are multiple ways to design the lateral distribution chart. Please go to Ben's article to see two variants. In the commentary, I mentioned a third with histogram + box plot (see tutorial). Here I added it to the viz. Click the image to play with the interactive version.
In summary, my tweaks are as follows:
- Added lateral histograms + box plots on both Caps and International Goals.
- Instead of using Size for [Goals per Match] which doesn't seem expressive, I created a lollipop chart for it.
- Minimized some of the font size because the descriptive text is quite static.
- Minimized the filters whose usage may not be high.
- The key is to make the subject stand out.
- Lowered the contrast a bit by using a gray background.
- Added color to emphasize the variables in the tooltips.
Recently scatter plot has been really hot. In the space of less than a month, 3 vizzies of the day are based on scatter plot. One of them is using Shine's design as template which includes lateral distribution charts. I would try to add lateral distribution charts to all of them.
July 12:
June 29:
June 17:
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