Christine suggested me to have a look at Simpson's Paradox, following my recent posts on Anscrombe's Quartet and Datasaurus Dozen. They are all about learning to look at statistics in an impartial way.

#TweakThursday: From time to time I tweak someone else's public viz and try to make it better to my subjective view.

This post is about 13 data sets, known as Datasaurus Dozen, that have the same stats and different distributions. Stats can be deceiving while data visualization can makes a big difference.

Francis Anscombe, a British statistician and a professor at Princeton and Yale, constructed 4 different sets of data which all have the same stats, known as Anscombe's quartet. However the quartet's data distributions are quite different. 

Stats alone can be deceiving.

In a single day, I am asked twice the same question: how to install database drivers for Tableau in Mac? The question of the day is regarding the drivers for Presto and PostgreSQL databases. The docs online may not answer the question exactly.

There are always more than one ways to skin a cat. In Tableau, there is always one more way to design the same chart. Mastering them will give us more options to satisfy the various requirements we may be asked for.

Line chart is one of the most basic ones.

I almost named the post as Charting "Top N and Others" via Post-filtering. Read on to understand why.

Visualizing "Top N and Others" is an often required business use case. A popular solution is by creating a top N set. That's the one I have been using through the years.

Angel works in Finance. She often asks me questions on calculations in a table. Today I got this question: How to calculate Year over Year (YoY) change ratios for both quarterly and yearly sums, in a single sheet?

Here is the solution we got. First there are two parts for the YoY calculation.

Just came back from Tableau Conference 2022 at Las Vegas. What an exciting event! The most exciting thing is reuniting with old friends and meeting with the datafam people known online for years.

Attended first time the Tableau Visionary summit.

A little enhancement in the formula editor can make a big difference for whose who create formula all the time in Tableau. Here are my wishes for a future editor. 

Highlighting Syntax Words

Currently a formula in Tableau can look plain and a bit uninspiring.

For the sake of uniformity in a bar chart, we may need to filter out dates in the latest partial week, month, quarter or year. That is what Parinita asked me about a filter to do just that.

Before Belinda asked me about making phone calls from Tableau dashboard, she had some issues in creating an email template in Tableau. Many people might have known how to do the basics.

Belinda needs to call business partners in foreign countries regularly. She has a dashboard showing various deadlines that she has to monitor. If a deadline is overdue, she may need to talk to the partner in question. She has already integrated email in the dashboard via URL action.

This post is about labeling a trellis chart that's already in dual axis.

In earlier posts on labeling trellis chart, we use one axis for the labeling function. Many times, the chart is already in dual axis (both axis are taken).

In online Tableau literature, I noticed that most people referred to Zen Master Chris Love's formula in a 2014 post about the size of a trellis chart.

Sharon left a message in my last post on Labeling Trellis Chart Anywhere asking whether we can have one label on the left and another on the right per trellis chart cell in Tableau. Yes we can. Below we will show how to place multiple labels within a trellis cell.

Catherine came to my office asking if we can create a compact version from a sparse table in Tableau, so that the table would look a lot more compact. This allows a succinct view of the table content. It saves screen real estate and makes it easy to read for business audience.

In my previous post on labeling trellis chart, I only showed how to label at the top left corner. People like Chipo Chirewa may want to label elsewhere.

Here I would show how to label anywhere in a trellis cell, like places other than the top left corner.


[Sequel to this post: Labeling Trellis Chart Anywhere]

To many people, the most difficult part of creating a trellis chart is to label it. Especially labeling it in the same sheet and with sparse data is even harder.


Many times, Tableau is used beyond data visualization. Often we need to perform all sorts of functions. Actually, Tableau is a powerful calculator. Instead of using another tool, such as Python or Excel, we can do it in Tableau proper.

Here is a use case at work where the grand total of a table needs to be accumulated horizontally to the right.

In the table, daily sales are shown by categories. The expected result is as follows:

We will use customized grand total technique to calculate it.

The term Fill Down is from Excel where we may need to fill all the empty cells below a non-null cell with the same cell value. Excel has a Fill Down button in the menu bar for a single cell fill down. We may also have to fill down between multiple non-null cells in the same column.

In data analysis, we need to use filters here and there. In general, we would classify them as pre-filters or post-filters for better understanding of their respective mechanisms.

A pre-filter works on the data set. It only keeps the data we need for the analysis.A post-filter works on the results.

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