This post is about 13 data sets, known as Datasaurus Dozen, that have the same stats and different distributions. Stats can be deceiving while data visualization can makes a big difference.
Inspired by Anscombe's quartet and Alberto Cairo's Datasaurus, Justin Matejka and George Fitzmaurice crafted another 12 datasets which have the same stats and different distributions. Thus the Datasaurus and the Dozen.
Here I recreated them in a Tableau dashboard and calculated dynamically all the summary stats using the native table calculation functions in Tableau. We verified that the 13 datasets have the same stats. But they do visualize differently. Feel free to download it and explore it on desktop.
I noted that R-Squared is a bit different from each other, while Anscombe's quartet's R-squared's are much closer to each other.
By the way, it's the first time for me to use the native animation function in Tableau to create this gif. Unfortunately Tableau Public can't run this because it says the chart is too complex. If you wish, download it to your desktop where one can view much better visual effect.Happy exploring with Tableau!
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