Note first that here I loosely define data densification as what includes both interpolation and extrapolation of data marks as well as their associated values.

[ This is a guest post by Hans Romeijn. This is a followup post to my recent post on calculating YTD/YoY, QTD/QoQ, MTD/MoM and WTD/WoW. Hans shows a practitioner's approach to the calculation with performance in mind.

I was asked a question: How to find out the IDs that showed up consecutively 5 times during the last 14 days?

How would you solve it?

Here I came up with 2 solutions. The 2nd one is a little simpler.


In corporate finance, bridge chart is often used to visualize itemized sales/revenue performance during a particular period, such as a quarter or a year.

Bridge chart can be designed using waterfall chart. But we will use a different approach.

A colleague posted this: "Hi Team, may I ask if you have any good idea to show the % difference of two randomly selected data points on a line chart?"

I found a solution to it, which is as follows.

The show/hide buttons in containers and also in sheets allow us to create drill down functionalities in Tableau dashboards. Actually they make it simple to drill down in more ways than before.

Drill down with fixed sized containers

Here is an example. Given a simple bar chart by category.

Subtitle: Sunburst Chart with Labels Inside and Categorical Sequential Colors

Here I am presenting how to design Sunburst Chart with practical considerations, such as:

Labels insideCategorical sequential colors with dynamic data.The design will be based on map layers, a new feature since Tableau d

[ Followup guest post by Hans Romeijn: Calculating Period-To-Date/PoP with Indicators for Better Performance ]

Year to Date (YTD) and Year over Year (YoY) calculations are very important in business dashboards. Jim Dehner recently wrote a great post on the topic.


A viewer to my two button sheet swap video left a comment and asked me how to do single button sheet swap. Here is the solution.

It takes the following steps. Assume we have two worksheets built from two data sources. But they can be built from the same data source as well.


This topic came as a question from a colleague. I found the same question on Tableau community site which was unanswered. There is a similar post on the topic, a method first proposed by Zen Master Mike Cisneros. But it is about a single measure while the question is about two measures.

The 100% Stacked Bar Chart is the one where each segment is a percentage, which adds up to 100%. 

Someone asked me recently how to sort the bars according to a segment's percentage. I thought it must be easy: Just google it. Then I tried myself and didn't find a satisfactory reference.

Kan(view)ban(board) has been used as a visual process management tool by Toyota since 1940s. Nowadays, it is widely adopted beyond manufacturing industry, especially in agile software development.

I first used Kanban board on Jira platform from Atlassian.


To have multiple bars and lines with categories in the same worksheet has been hard with Tableau. This request has come up from time to time. Dual axis won't cut it. With the new layering technology, it becomes possible.

This is about a particular kind of data blending.

How many approaches of data blending do you know? 

Never mind. I know 3 approaches to blend them. There may be more. Tell me if you know any.

My understanding of data blending is: More than one data source is being used in the worksheet.


Dynamic Date Granularity for Analysis

We may need to create a trend chart according to variable date granularities, such as day/week/month/quarter etc via a parameter.


The feature described in this article applies in Tableau version 2020.1 and later. 

In Tableau, when designing charts, the value of a measure is subject to the context such as filters and dimensions. Sometimes we need to have values that are constant across the board.

[Click here to find all my Sankey Chart series]

A colleague once asked me how to create a Sankey Funnel Chart a while ago. I told her to start with this multi-stage Sankey template. Then color the not-in-use branches the same as the background (to hide them).

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