Calculating Period-To-Date/PoP with Indicators for Better Performance
[ This is a guest post by Hans Romeijn. This is a followup post to my recent post on calculating YTD/YoY, QTD/QoQ, MTD/MoM and WTD/WoW. Hans shows a practitioner's approach to the calculation with performance in mind. The key is to replace conditionals by multiplications with pre-calculated indicator 1 or Null. This can accelerate the calculations significantly, especially when the data set is big.
The companion workbook courtesy by Hans is available for download.
Good implementation and fast speed do matter greatly for business users. ]
Recently a post from Tableau Zen Master Alexander Mou showed up in my timeline on LinkedIn. The post was about Simple calculations for YTD/YoY and other timeframes in Tableau and he ended the post with an invite to comment.
The companion workbook courtesy by Hans is available for download.
Good implementation and fast speed do matter greatly for business users. ]
Recently a post from Tableau Zen Master Alexander Mou showed up in my timeline on LinkedIn. The post was about Simple calculations for YTD/YoY and other timeframes in Tableau and he ended the post with an invite to comment.