Creating a Simple Toggle Button in Tableau
A project needs such a toggle in Tableau. My initial design used a scaffold data source with 2 rows. However my excellent colleagues Ryan and Parinita showed me a better one. This design doesn't need an extra data source. Instead, it needs two images as shape.
Monitoring Data Source Delay in Business Dashboard
In building a living or production business dashboard, we always expect data to be up to date. This is a concern that can not be relieved by soly knowing the refresh time stamp (tableau provides this information). It doesn't mean that the data is up to date.
Analysis of Tableau's Multi-Variable Clustering Algorithm
Following previous post on Iris Classification via Clustering in Tableau, we are going to analyse and compare the quality of clustering in Tableau by using 1,2,3 and 4 variables based on the Iris data set. We will use both automatic clustering and pre-specified number of clusters.
Iris Classification via Clustering in Tableau
This is a blog about an event at 2019. My Tableau Public dashboard was originally published on 7/16/2019.
A colleague gave a talk on this classic example of machine learning or data science: Classify Iris according to a simple set of observation data. He did his demo in Python.
Always Showing Empty Columns in Tableau
It is important to me that a dashboard be of stable structure or in a stable grid, regardless of dimensional filtering or data variability. Tableau Desktop devised this menu function of Analysis > Table Layout > Show Empty Columns/Rows for that matter.
Creating Date Range Filter with Dynamic End Date = Max Date
Since the version 2020.1, Tableau has a new dynamic parameter feature that solves a long standing problem: Making a date range filter with end date default to the max date in the data source.
5Visualizing Crosstab and Grand Totals
This is the sequel to an earlier post Enhancing Text Table with Visual Background.
This post is a tentative to help read crosstab better with visual hints. The colors I use here may look outrageous. But it provides a template to customize and create your own look and feel.
Getting the Last Date/Value/Variance in Tableau
There are probable half a dozen ways to do it, under different circumstances. Each technique may have its own advantages.
Here is my favorite technique, which is
1) independent of date dimension.
2) can be used from a secondary data source.
3) applicable in labels, references and annotations.
A Template for 3-Stage Sankey Chart in Tableau
[Click here to find all my Sankey Chart series]
Quite a few people visited my post on creating 3-stage Sankey chart by cascading 2 Sankey charts. It's a scalable approach which can lead to N-stage Sankey chart using the same building block repetitively.
Deselecting Button on a Different Sheet
Video tutorial
Following the previous post, my colleague said the trick doesn't work for him, because his buttons are placed in different sheets. BTW, a button here means any data mark where action is initiated via selecting.
Deselecting/De-dimming Buttons in Action-Driven Sheet Swap
Video Tutorials
How to create Sheet Swap via Parameter Action
How to De-Select Buttons in Tableau Dashboard
A colleague ran into a little problem: He created an action-driven sheet swap dashboard, where he h
Game of Life in Tableau
Just heard the news that Professor John Conway has succumbed to COVID-19. Really sorry to hear that. John is the inventor of the Game of Life which has a huge influence in computer science.
Enhancing Text Tables with Visual Background
The purpose of this post is to help people read text tables fast with the aid of simple visual hints.
Excel style text tables remain a mainstay for quantitative data representation because of tradition, habit, high density of information per area, high information to ink ratio. They are here stay.
20 Calculation Use Cases: LOD vs Non-LOD
[This is #TweakThursday series No.44, a series of viz critiques.]
Tableau Zen Master Ken Flerlage published 20 use cases of Level of Details or LOD a few days ago. I am quite curious as to how different it is to implement them without LOD.
Nested Sorting and Hierarchical Nested Sorting in Tableau
Nested sorting used to be difficult to many people. Hierarchical nested sorting is even more difficult.
What is (regular) nested sorting and what is hierarchical nested sorting?
Regular nested sorting is regarding multiple dimensions and one measure.
Creating 3D Bar Chart via Custom Shapes
I am shown a 3D bar chart (via custom shapes) by some people. It is created the talented Toan Hoang at Tableau Magic. Here I re-created the same chart using a little different approach, without extra file and joins.
Creating Sankey Chart with Sorting/Grouping
[Click here to find all my Sankey Chart series]
Sankey charts have many use cases. One of the users asked me how to sort the output/target, group those smaller outputs on the right side in a single category named Others and only keep the top few.
Creating Sankey Chart with Grouping
[Click here to find all my Sankey Chart series]
A reader of my tutorial on Sankey Chart via Template asked me how to group the Source members on the left side of the chart. Yes, when there are too many members in a dimension, grouping them makes the chart much cleaner.
Enhancing Chart Contrast #TweakThursday 43
Comparison is an important objective of data visualization, by which we derive insights in a cohort.
Trellis chart is an interesting way to visualize a large cohort of data. But sometimes we may get lost in the repetition of the same chart type.
Creating a Multi-Stage Sankey Chart via Template Cascading
[A Template Approach to 3-Stage Sankey Chart]
[Click here to find all my Sankey Chart series]
Since I published the basic 2-stage Sankey chart template, five of my colleagues with rudimentary Tableau skills created Sankey charts for their respective projects using the template.
Creating Radial Stacked Bar Chart in Tableau
This is a stacked bar chart on contribution of sales per segment per month in percentage.
Today we would like to create a radial alternative of the same chart.
The key idea is using Polygon as data mark to generate each color block.