Video tutorial

Following the previous post, my colleague said the trick doesn't work for him, because his buttons are placed in different sheets. BTW, a button here means any data mark where action is initiated via selecting. Note that when the buttons are on different sheets, a button may stay selected but won't be dimmed.

Then I devised a new scheme where buttons are on 2 different sheets. When selecting one, it deselects the button on the other sheet. There could be more than one buttons on the other sheet.

It takes the following key steps:

- Create a parameter with two values (more values if more sheets for swapping), each value corresponding to the Sheet dimension of each button.

Video Tutorials

How to create Sheet Swap via Parameter Action

How to De-Select Buttons in Tableau Dashboard

A colleague ran into a little problem: He created an action-driven sheet swap dashboard, where he has two buttons. Clicking one button will show one sheet and clicking the other button will show another sheet. However one button remains selected even after clicking the other one. This is annoying.

Just heard the news that Professor John Conway has succumbed to COVID-19. Really sorry to hear that. John is the inventor of the Game of Life which has a huge influence in computer science. I would like to dedicate this implementation of Game of Life in Tableau to him, a great mathematician and educator! RIP

Last year, I decided to give the Game of Life a run in Tableau, after a few earlier projects in cellular automata. It took me awhile to get all the logic right.

The purpose of this post is to help people read text tables fast with the aid of simple visual hints.

Excel style text tables remain a mainstay for quantitative data representation because of tradition, habit, high density of information per area, high information to ink ratio. They are here stay. Graphical data visualization won't replace them. The best hope is the coexistence of both.
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