Creating Sankey Chart with Sorting/Grouping
[Click here to find all my Sankey Chart series]
Sankey charts have many use cases. One of the users asked me how to sort the output/target, group those smaller outputs on the right side in a single category named Others and only keep the top few.
Creating Sankey Chart with Grouping
[Click here to find all my Sankey Chart series]
A reader of my tutorial on Sankey Chart via Template asked me how to group the Source members on the left side of the chart. Yes, when there are too many members in a dimension, grouping them makes the chart much cleaner.
Enhancing Chart Contrast #TweakThursday 43
Comparison is an important objective of data visualization, by which we derive insights in a cohort.
Trellis chart is an interesting way to visualize a large cohort of data. But sometimes we may get lost in the repetition of the same chart type.
Creating a Multi-Stage Sankey Chart via Template Cascading
[A Template Approach to 3-Stage Sankey Chart]
[Click here to find all my Sankey Chart series]
Since I published the basic 2-stage Sankey chart template, five of my colleagues with rudimentary Tableau skills created Sankey charts for their respective projects using the template.
Creating Radial Stacked Bar Chart in Tableau
This is a stacked bar chart on contribution of sales per segment per month in percentage.
Today we would like to create a radial alternative of the same chart.
The key idea is using Polygon as data mark to generate each color block.