In a previous article, we showed how to create waffle chart from a single percentage, without extra data table and without table join. Also the labeling is automated instead of manual, comparing to other approaches.

Now we are going to apply the same method to creating waffle chart for multiple percentages as follows. Note that the percentages are calculated horizontally, showing the percentages in different regions per each category.

The steps are: (The 2nd step uses a different approach from the previous one for the same result.)

1.Union the data source with itself.

This will generate a new column Table Name with two different table names.

2.Use the two table names to define the first and 100th points

For each waffle chart, we need to have a 10x10 grid of 100 data points.

Waffle chart is popular for visualizing a single percentage. How can we create such a chart?

Here are the steps. The example data source has a single data record.

1.Union the data source with itself.

Thus the data source has two records now. And it generates a new column: Table Name

2.Define the first and 100th points

Based on the two table names, we can define the two points. We need to have 100 points to create a waffle chart, as a 10x10 grid.

Usually when we create a bar chart with 2 hierarchical dimensions such as Category and Sub-Category, we will have bars at the Sub-Category level and roll-ups at the Category level. Here is a chart we can create easily.

This is simple but it doesn't show the hierarchical relationship very well.

Today, we have an alternative way to chart the the bars and their hierarchical relationship as follows:

The grey bars for Category is created using reference lines.

I was alerted by an old request in Tableau forum dated year 2012.

Today I found a solution for it. It needs 5 calculated fields, plus conditional formatting. The solution is based on custom total and subtotals method pioneered by Zen Master Jonathan Drummey.

We will use the Superstore data as an example, excluding a few subcategories to emulate a single subcategory in a category.

Here are the steps:


In Tableau text fields, such as text label or tooltips, there is no text wrap option. When a text label is long, we wish we can have it. Here we are going to show that we can make it happen.

In one project, we have limited space for text labels. That means, we have limits on both width and height. Given that the text label string can be very long, we need to wrap the text around. Since there is no such functionality in Tableau, we have to solve the problem by ourselves.

Recently, for the first time I had to connect to an Excel file on a SharePoint site. I was told that by opening Tableau's new data source interface and selecting Excel, I just need to add the URL to the file, such as http://server/site/library/filename.xlsx

It did work at first! We get all the data etc. Then strange thing happened. The data source won't update by refreshing data source, even when we made changes in the Excel table.

In the previous post, we showed how to create bar chart multiples in a single sheet with the same measure. Here we are going to show you how to do this for different measures. Using the Superstore data set, we are going to show bar chart multiples for Sales, Profit and Profit Ratio per Subcategory. It gives a simple summary of leaders and laggards on important measures. The key is to visualize them all in a single sheet à la Tableau Prep.

A friend of mine asked me how to create a bar chart in the style of Tableau Prep. Another important requirement is: It has to be in one sheet.

This is actually a series of bar charts with each in its own column. Theoretically this can be done on a dashboard with multiple sheets. That would be a bit tedious. Given that the data is in a single data source and the columns are just different categories, this makes things a little simpler.

I used the superstore data set to give it a go.

Coloring does make a difference, big or small depending on cases.

I noticed Yang Yu of Shanghai made a great viz and won Viz of the Day a couple of days ago. It required a lot of work to get the data set pulled from Open Street Map. It looks like this:

This is the Tableau rendition of Geoff Boeing's original research

I found it a bit monotonic. So I decided to add color to it.

In one of the viz designs, we are using a data set that already includes the running sum, which is precalculated to save us some computations.

When calculating the totals per quarter or per year, we just need the numbers in the last month of the period, namely the number in the last month of the quarter, or the numbers in the last month of the year. This requires special calculations for both subtotals and grand totals.
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