Hex map is quite popular for representing US geography in Tableau. Some asked how to create one for their own country or region. So here we will show the basic steps.

Hex map is a simplified way to represent a real map. It's an approximation. Some would say, even the "true map" is just an approximate representation of the reality, not the exact one.

Tableau Zen Master Matt Chambers proposed a Hex Map approach to US map. It looks great and seems better than tiled maps, because it tightly weaves all the State pieces together, thus looks a lot better. In a hex map, one state is neighbor to 6 states while in a tiled map, one state is neighboring 4 states.

But the hexagons are not close enough when using Tableau shapes. There left some gaps between states, especially when we resize the map.

A few days ago, the Viz of the Day on 3/13/2019 is made of Joy Plot, authored by David Velleca. Quite a joy to look at for sure. After some digging, I found that it is based on an approach proposed by Ken Flerlage. It uses data scaffolding techniques with a few extra tables. Here I propose a new approach without extra scaffolding. Just the original data set will suffice.

The Data Set

Here I will use the same data set of Ken's.
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