Here I will use the same data set of Ken's. The data set is a simple time series with 3 columns: Dimension, Time and Value. Ignore other columns.
There are 7 elements in Dimension in the sample data set. Therefore we will see 7 area charts with some overlapping area.
Step 1: Union the data set with itself.
Load the data into Tableau and drag the 'Data' sheet to the data source editing canvas. Union the 'Data' sheet with itself. Note that a new column is created: [Table Name] with two values Data and Data1 specifying two tables respectively.
Step 2: Create Keys
Create the keys for the dimension elements. The key is equivalent to index for the dimension elements without the complexity of table calculations.
Step 3: Create the following calculated fields
All these calculations below are based on Ken's approach.
[Path]: the path for creating the area chart polygon.
[Max Time]: for each dimension.
[Size of Dimension]: Using LOD instead of Size() to avoid table calculations.
[Value Adjusted]: Keep the original values and make the values in the Data1 table to be 0.
[Value Adjusted for Dimension]: Elevate the values of the dimension elements to different heights. Tunable with the parameter Spacing.
Step 4: Charting
Drag [Time] and [Value Adjusted for Dimension] to Columns and Rows shelves. Drag Dimension to the Color shelf. Set the marks to Polygon and drag Path to the Path shelf.
Sort the Dimension by the field of Maximum(Dimension) in descending order.
We are done. The new approach is mainly different in data preparation which has fewer steps.
Additional cosmetic steps
Add dual axis line charts with tool tips, labels and borders if you wish.
A different approach is included which fully automates the creation of keys. It requires some table calculations. Also it requires custom sorting of IndexD and Dimension. Please look into the details of the workbook if you are curious.
That's all. Enjoy the Joy Plot! Download the workbook here.
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