The Jump Plot Variety
In ma previous post, Creating Jump Plot, we used Bézier function for drawing the curves. But Bézier curve is not the sole option.
Today, we would like to show you how to use the familiar Sine function and Triangular function for drawing those curves. I got the inspiration from a viz of Sebastián Soto Vera. Check it out, it is a great use case of jump plot.
We will use the same data set as in my last post. To make it simple, we will only focus on contiguous sequences, which go through all the check points. This will make the calculations a lot simpler.
Today, we would like to show you how to use the familiar Sine function and Triangular function for drawing those curves. I got the inspiration from a viz of Sebastián Soto Vera. Check it out, it is a great use case of jump plot.
We will use the same data set as in my last post. To make it simple, we will only focus on contiguous sequences, which go through all the check points. This will make the calculations a lot simpler.