What is user growth?
- it is not the count of active users per month/week/day and the accumulation thereof.
- it is the accumulation of unique users along time.
It takes 3 steps to do it. We will use the Superstore as the data set for illustration in charting the growth of customers who ordered products from the superstore.
1.Find the first time when the user activity is recorded.
- [First Order Date]={fixed [Customer Name]: min([Order Date])}
2.Count the first time users
- CountD(Customer Name)
Right click the CountD(Customer Name) pill and select the Running Total in Quick Table Calculations.
Voila it's done. Click the image below to access the viz. Included also is a step chart version. Zen Master Rody Zachovich used it in a recent viz. Tableau will integrate it in the coming version 2018.1 already.
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