[This is No.36 of series #TweakThursday]

Jade Le Van created a very interesting viz with viz-in-tooltip which is based on one of her earlier endeavors. Now one single French map replaced those small multiples. Much more compact than before.

Again it picked my interest not only because of the graphics but also of the data and the context. Seems France is leaping forward to a marriage-less society. In terms of social changes, France is always leading the way.

So, I started to play with it and tweaked it a bit.

I have been thinking of creating a US tiled map template for anyone to use as they please. Saved it in my Google Sheet. Here it is the link. Any one can add this to his/her tableau as a Google-Sheet data source. Then go on to create his/her own US geo dashboards. Hope this will save users a few minutes instead of them reinventing the wheel.

And I created an example "State Seals and Mottos of USA" that is based on this data source. And I am using the latest Tableau 10.5 feature #VizInTooltip.

Bump Chart is used to display the evolution of ranking changes along time. Sometimes it is also used to compare ranks in a category across dimension members.

And it's usually horizontal along time. The chart can be very wide.

In the concern for mobile device display where horizontal space is much reduced, I thought of creating a radial bump chart.

Click image to see interactive version.
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