IKIGAI is a Japanese concept for a reason for being, or in French, une raison d'être.


After Poisson distribution and Triangular distribution calculators, jamais deux sans trois, I decided to give Normal distribution a run. Certainly it is the most important distribution of all.

So here you go. Click image to go to the interactive version.

It seems there is no such a calculator for TriAngular Distribution on the web. So I created one.

There are 4 parameters:




and Bin Size.

Change the parameters according to your need.

Click image to view the interactive version.


Poisson distribution is so important that I had to learn it in a recent project. Learnt to use it to be exact.

Thus came an idea to visualize it in Tableau, because I couldn't find a good visual reference on the web about it.

Here you go.

Have you ever seen some really nice and cute custom shapes and wished you can use them in your own vizzes? I have.

Yeah, Google search told me that those little shapes are stored in some temp folders with weird names.

Natively means no R and no Python is used. We only use Tableau's native functions to do all the necessary calculations, including iterations.

It seems Tableau doesn't handle big numbers correctly in calculating factorials.

Here is an example:

When K<=20, the result K! is good.

When K>=21 the results are no more correct. Some of them are even becoming negative.

A case has been submitted to the Tableau support.


I was given a hand drawn whiteboard shot. Someone needs a scatter plot with radial references just like that. It made sense to me immediately. In a scatter plot, horizontal and vertical references seem no more enough. I would love to see such a chart in Tableau.


This is an issue that comes up once in a while. There are always multiple alternative solutions to the same issue in Tableau. Here is my favorite one. Simple and easy. No need to use Index() function. It applies to current month/year or last N months/years.

[Update: After publishing this blog, I found that, since Tableau 10.3, a new feature has been added to ease the pain. It basically solved the problem. For those who are still using 10.2 or who like to understand the Top option of the filter, this blog still can help.


The end of line trend indicator can provide an effective visual hint in dashboard.

Sometimes your axis is busy with dual charts. So you don't have the luxury of using dual axis to create an end-of-line trend indicator. Here we are going to show that you don't need dual axis to do that.


When clicking the download button for a viz on Tableau Server or Tableau Public, we often see that the data and crosstab options are greyed out.

What should we do about it?

First, we have to understand that a dashboard is composed of multiple worksheets or charts.

Just wrote a post on Placing Labels on Tiled Map last week. Again, found that this tiled map has non-aligned labels by Michael Mixon. Otherwise, it is a great viz with very good uses of dual axis, color schemes and drill downs. BTW this viz is part of the #MakeoverMonday week33 project.

Georgia Chen created a tiled map for a recent #MakeoverMonday project. She had a hard time placing the labels on the tiles. And she ended up doing it manually. Yes, you can drag and drop the labels to a place manually.

Tiled map is often used chart type, which is a kind of small multiples.

This issue has puzzled me for a while. I have searched "Subscription Button" on the web to no avail. Today's I searched "Subscription Icon" and I found the solution provided by John Liptak. The reason is that the server needs "at least one valid schedule for Subscription" for the button to show up.


One of frequent tasks of managing a Tableau server is watching the failed data extracts and then fixing them. In a recent Tableau webinar, I presented a server admin view that helps monitor the data extract failure.


A search box allows us to find records in a data set using a keyword.

There are a number of ways to create a search box in Tableau. It depends on what you want to do. There are in general two kinds of searches: Dimension search or Global search.


This is another attempt at visualizing database data dictionary. Comparing to an earlier effort, this time we added views on the foreign key relationship between the tables.


Video tutorial shows a new way to prepare the data using self Union.

A few days ago, one of our #MakeoverMonday Data Camp mates Jocelyn Ji created a viz based on radial bar chart. It looks interesting. So I dug into it and found the original approach is published by Toan Hoang.


Last week's #MakeoverMonday data set is about top job skills. Two of the vizzes caught my attention. They both used arrows to show the ranking changes in top skills.

One was selected as the Viz of the Day on 4/27/2017.

Mike Cisneros created a viz for the #MakeoverMonday data set on Oil and Gold prices. It is a great design especially in that he devised a correlation metric between the two prices. And he shared his thought process in a well written blog post, which won lots of praises on twitter.

[The technique described here applies to tooltips design as well.]

Recently it came to me a question on how to put arrows next to numbers to indicate up/down. Some proposed to use Shapes as data mark in dual axis with numbers.


The latest viz of the day got an interesting display of the veterinary center distribution in India's states and union territories (UT). I like the color scheme, simplicity and the layout.

The layout has two charts: geo map and tree map. Each shows some particular information.

There are more than one ways to calculate correlation between two series/vectors in Tableau.

1.Correlation via TabPy

I did this because I would like to know how to set up the new Python extension: TabPy.

In Tableau 10.1, we can take advantage of TabPy.

In the latest #MakeoverMonday project of Week11 2017, the little data set is exciting, because it is about orgasm. In spite of its small size, people created great vizzies based on the data set.

There are two dimensions in the data: gender and sexual orientation.

The #MakeoverMonday data set of  week11 2017 consists of a very small amount of data. But it is very interesting and revealing. Here is the source article. It is about the likelihood or frequency that people experience orgasm in their relationship.


Inspired by a recent project at work, I created this viz for viewing and searching Tableau Server Data Dictionary. Hopefully it makes it a bit easier to find the tables and fields of interest, and to understand the relationship between them. This can help us create server stats views and reports.


In convention, warm colors correspond to higher numbers while cool colors to lower numbers. So when we assign colors to numbers, we do it according to color warmth.

Today's Viz of the Day (on 2/21/2017) shows the immigration distribution in all Swiss cantons.

Previously I created a viz with all the Tableau keyboard shortcuts for bothe Windows and Mac. Now just added mouse actions to it.

Click images below to go to the interactive version.

Added shortcuts category following a suggestion from Alex Lea.

[Update: Added mouse actions and category to the viz. Check it out.]

A few days ago, I created a viz for Tableau Keyboard Shortcuts on Windows only. I figured that I should create one for Mac as well.

Here comes a Tableau Keyboard Shortcuts viz for both Mac & Windows.


[Update: The Mac version is done here.]

Created this viz as an interactive reference on keyboard shortcuts for Tableau. Hope it helps people memorize those shortcuts. Some of them are really useful.

Click image to access the interactive version.

I wonder if I should include a Mac version.

Here you go with my submission for #MakeoverMonday Week5 2017

Data: http://www.makeovermonday.co.uk/data/

Source: http://uk.businessinsider.com/us-economy-added-jobs-faster-than-all-g7-economies-combined-2017-1

Click image to go to the interactive version.

For this 2nd week's #MakeoverMonday, I am using CAGR to analyze the iPhone sales data.

CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) is a way to calculate average annual growth rate.

A MakeoverMonday viz is excellent as follows. The 2nd week's data set of year 2017 is on the iPhone unit sales trends. The author Haiping is from our MakeoverMonday Data Camp.

The only pet peeve I have is about the vertical year order.

Our data is dynamic and the axis by default in Tableau will change accordingly. For example, in this Fibonacci Spiral chart, the chart and the grid are changing from iteration to iteration. This creates some visual uneasiness and can even make viewers dizzy.

Here is the first #MakeoverMonday submission of the year 2017.

Click image for the interactive version.

In my last post, I created a continuous Fibonacci Spiral, based on Zen Master Noah Salvaterra's Fibonacci viz. He actually created the similar Golden Spiral in continuous form (to which the Fibonacci Spiral is an approximation). But it doesn't fit into the Fibonacci Rectangle.

Given a workbook URL either on Server or Tableau Public, we should be able to open it from its URL. This will make our life much easier. It should come with proper authentication of course.

Currently, most of time we have to download a workbook first. Then open it from a file folder.

Happy New Year 2017!

Recently I have been interested in charting mathematical functions, such as Sigmoid and Trochoids. Sigmoid has found applications in Bump and Sankey charts.

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