IKIGAI is a Japanese concept for a reason for being, or in French, une raison d'être. Also IKIGAI provides a framework for analyzing the relationships between 4 traits of life:

1.What do you love

2.What are you good at

3.What can you be paid for

4.What does the world need

If you are doing what you love (1) and what you are good at (2), you are living your passion.

If you are doing (1), (2) and (3), then you are combining your passion and profession. You are satisfied but you might feel a sense of uselessness.

If your life satisfies all four, then you have reached the state of IKIGAI, that is the ultimate reason of being.

IKIGAI has a number of visualizations done before. I for one would like to see its visualization being done in Tableau. Voila, here you go.

After Poisson distribution and Triangular distribution calculators, jamais deux sans trois, I decided to give Normal distribution a run. Certainly it is the most important distribution of all.

So here you go. Click image to go to the interactive version.

Note there two ways to calculate, given the same mean and stdev:

1.enter the parameter in the box X.

2.mouse over X.

It seems there is no such a calculator for TriAngular Distribution on the web. So I created one.

There are 4 parameters:




and Bin Size.

Change the parameters according to your need.

Click image to view the interactive version.

Poisson distribution is so important that I had to learn it in a recent project. Learnt to use it to be exact.

Thus came an idea to visualize it in Tableau, because I couldn't find a good visual reference on the web about it.

Here you go. It shows two charts:

1.Probability distribution per K (the number of occurrences).

2.Cumulative probability for all events where the number of occurrences <=K.

3.Both λ and the range of K are in parameters.

Click image to view the interactive version.

Have you ever seen some really nice and cute custom shapes and wished you can use them in your own vizzes? I have.

Yeah, Google search told me that those little shapes are stored in some temp folders with weird names. Once they are found if we are lucky, we have to extract the custom shapes or icons/images into a special folder somewhere (please remind me of the path to Shapes). Then we have to import them into our Tableau Desktop as custom shapes.

Natively means no R and no Python is used. We only use Tableau's native functions to do all the necessary calculations, including iterations.

As I have recently been interested in rendering math functions in Tableau, I noticed a dramatic rendering in Tableau of Lorenz Attractor by George Gorczynski. He used Python to generate the data set, with fixed parameters.

I tried to implement the attractor in Tableau alone but failed.

It seems Tableau doesn't handle big numbers correctly in calculating factorials.

Here is an example:

When K<=20, the result K! is good.

When K>=21 the results are no more correct. Some of them are even becoming negative.

A case has been submitted to the Tableau support. Click the image to download the workbook.

[Update] Following comments by Gerardo, I figured out a solution: using Float() in the calculation will give the good result. Click the above image to view the updated workbook.

I was given a hand drawn whiteboard shot. Someone needs a scatter plot with radial references just like that. It made sense to me immediately. In a scatter plot, horizontal and vertical references seem no more enough. I would love to see such a chart in Tableau.

I know what is needed: polygon in dual axis with scatter plot. But I never did it before. It still took some research and optimizations to make it work. Bora Beran's blog is a great source of inspiration to me in my research.

This is an issue that comes up once in a while. There are always multiple alternative solutions to the same issue in Tableau. Here is my favorite one. Simple and easy. No need to use Index() function. It applies to current month/year or last N months/years.

Assume you have used Dateparse(string_date) to convert it to a date type, in case it is a string.

1.Excluding the current week

Datediff('week',date,max(date)) >0 Surprisingly non-aggregated and aggregated terms can be laid side by side.

[Update: After publishing this blog, I found that, since Tableau 10.3, a new feature has been added to ease the pain. It basically solved the problem. For those who are still using 10.2 or who like to understand the Top option of the filter, this blog still can help.
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