IKIGAI is a Japanese concept for a reason for being, or in French, une raison d'ĂȘtre.


After Poisson distribution and Triangular distribution calculators, jamais deux sans trois, I decided to give Normal distribution a run. Certainly it is the most important distribution of all.

So here you go. Click image to go to the interactive version.

It seems there is no such a calculator for TriAngular Distribution on the web. So I created one.

There are 4 parameters:




and Bin Size.

Change the parameters according to your need.

Click image to view the interactive version.


Poisson distribution is so important that I had to learn it in a recent project. Learnt to use it to be exact.

Thus came an idea to visualize it in Tableau, because I couldn't find a good visual reference on the web about it.

Here you go.

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