The end of line trend indicator can provide an effective visual hint in dashboard.

Sometimes your axis is busy with dual charts. So you don't have the luxury of using dual axis to create an end-of-line trend indicator. Here we are going to show that you don't need dual axis to do that.


When clicking the download button for a viz on Tableau Server or Tableau Public, we often see that the data and crosstab options are greyed out.

What should we do about it?

First, we have to understand that a dashboard is composed of multiple worksheets or charts.

Just wrote a post on Placing Labels on Tiled Map last week. Again, found that this tiled map has non-aligned labels by Michael Mixon. Otherwise, it is a great viz with very good uses of dual axis, color schemes and drill downs. BTW this viz is part of the #MakeoverMonday week33 project.

Georgia Chen created a tiled map for a recent #MakeoverMonday project. She had a hard time placing the labels on the tiles. And she ended up doing it manually. Yes, you can drag and drop the labels to a place manually.

Tiled map is often used chart type, which is a kind of small multiples.

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