Video tutorial shows a new way to prepare the data using self Union.

A few days ago, one of our #MakeoverMonday Data Camp mates Jocelyn Ji created a viz based on radial bar chart. It looks interesting. So I dug into it and found the original approach is published by Toan Hoang. Tableau's product guru Bora Beran also created a similar chart a while ago.

I found that the calculation of the chart can be made a bit easier:

- all (nested) table calculations only need to compute along a single dimension.

- shorter bars need fewer data marks. Total data marks are reduced.

Here is my approach, based on the same data set as Hoang's, with an extra column Type. This table can be generated using Union or Cross Join from the original data.

Path is created from Type.

Last week's #MakeoverMonday data set is about top job skills. Two of the vizzes caught my attention. They both used arrows to show the ranking changes in top skills.

One was selected as the Viz of the Day on 4/27/2017. Simple, crisp and elegant design!

The other is by Georgia Chen, selected by Andy Kriebel in his comments of the week.

Between the two, I would say, highlighting changes with color does make a difference in providing values to viewers.
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