The latest viz of the day got an interesting display of the veterinary center distribution in India's states and union territories (UT). I like the color scheme, simplicity and the layout.
The layout has two charts: geo map and tree map. Each shows some particular information. However, there is no interaction between them. I feel that, by adding interactions between the two charts, we complement one chart with another. Viewers can get a better understanding of the distribution such as locations, ordering etc.

So, I added the following tweaks:
- added cross highlighting between the two charts using dashboard actions
- added dots on the map (Otherwise, tiny UT cities and states could be ignored.)
- added borders to states.(Otherwise, neighboring states of the same color may look like a single polygon.)
BTW, the map in the original workbook is built using a shape file. The resulting map is different from the default OpenStreet map and Google map. For example, the shape of Jammu and Kashmir is different. The longitudes and latitudes for cities such as Puducherry do not look right. Which one is correct? I chose to use the default OpenStreet map.

That's the tweak of the day.

[Update] A new viz of the day uses cross highlighting, also about India:

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