There is an amazing Viz of the day on 12/20/2016 showing the mortality rate change in USA on certain diseases. Excellently designed!

There are over 3142 counties on each of the 6 maps.  I would like to view some of the counties in details. So I added a mechanism to close in.

Cross Join is also called Cartesian Join. It's named after the great French philosopher and mathematician RenĂ© Descartes. The original spelling of his family name is in two words: Des Cartes, therefore Cartesian.


[Click here to find all my Sankey Chart series]

Zen Master Chris Love wrote a Sankey chart tutorial which is quite popular. Actually the Sigmoid-based Sankey chart was first introduced to the Tableau world by another Zen Master Jeffrey Shaffer. I am a recent convert of Sigmoid curve and love it.

In the current #MakeoverMonday project of the week 50, Ben Jones created a very nice viz. I like the layout in general. But I feel the map is hard to use as state index. As we know, on a natural map, the smaller states or countries get penalized visually.

Following previous post on Creating Sigmoid with 2 Rows of Data which is inspired by Rody Zakovich's post, I was looking for some interesting curves to apply the same trick.

[Click here to find all my Sankey Chart series]

Sigmoid function can provide a smooth curve connecting two points in space. We have seen it in a number of graphical representations such as Sankey chart or this one.

Given any two points, a Sigmoid curve can be drawn between the two.


This is a sequel to my recent post: #TweakThursday 22: Ordering By Narrative. That one is focusing on dashboard tweaking. Here I would give details on ways of boosting a stacked area chart.


[A sequel to this post: Boosting Stacked Area Chart]

I wrote a post called Ordering By Context before. In a recent Viz of The Day on 11/29/2016, I found that, a conspicuous narrative at the top of the chart, is labeled as "Bottom 90%".

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