There is an amazing Viz of the day on 12/20/2016 showing the mortality rate change in USA on certain diseases. Excellently designed!

There are over 3142 counties on each of the 6 maps.  I would like to view some of the counties in details. So I added a mechanism to close in. This can be the basis for anyone who wants to add further functionalities.

The steps to do it are:

- drag all the 6 heat maps into a floating vertical container

- create a separate filled map for counties

- add another floating vertical container on top of the above one and drag the filled map to it

- create a button to close the pop-up map.

- create one action filter for pop-up view and another for going back to the original view.

Click the image below to see it in action or download the workbook.

Cross Join is also called Cartesian Join. It's named after the great French philosopher and mathematician RenĂ© Descartes. The original spelling of his family name is in two words: Des Cartes, therefore Cartesian. Among many great inventions, he is well known for saying: I think therefore I am (Je pense donc je suis).

Cross Join is quite useful in data manipulation in creating Sigmoid/Spline based charts (Sankey for example), data scaffolding and many other applications.

[Click here to find all my Sankey Chart series]

Zen Master Chris Love wrote a Sankey chart tutorial which is quite popular. Actually the Sigmoid-based Sankey chart was first introduced to the Tableau world by another Zen Master Jeffrey Shaffer. I am a recent convert of Sigmoid curve and love it. Check my recent post on creating Sigmoid with 2 rows of data.

Just found that the creation of a Sankey chart can be made a bit easier, mainly in the data prep stage.

In the current #MakeoverMonday project of the week 50, Ben Jones created a very nice viz. I like the layout in general. But I feel the map is hard to use as state index. As we know, on a natural map, the smaller states or countries get penalized visually.

Since all we need is an index to the states, a tiled map is a good choice which is fair to all the states. Even a linear list of states would suffice. The tiled map is just a bit fancier with a hint of geographical location.

Following previous post on Creating Sigmoid with 2 Rows of Data which is inspired by Rody Zakovich's post, I was looking for some interesting curves to apply the same trick. Then I fell on this one:

This viz is created by the technical product marketing people at Tableau. The trochoids are defined here which belong to a family of math functions.

The twbx file weighs over 12MB and there are 880K+ rows in the data set.

[Click here to find all my Sankey Chart series]

Sigmoid function can provide a smooth curve connecting two points in space. We have seen it in a number of graphical representations such as Sankey chart or this one.

Given any two points, a Sigmoid curve can be drawn between the two. As a result, all we need are two rows of data which define the two points in space. Below will lay out the steps to create a Sigmoid curve.

This is a sequel to my recent post: #TweakThursday 22: Ordering By Narrative. That one is focusing on dashboard tweaking. Here I would give details on ways of boosting a stacked area chart.

Stacked area chart is visually attractive in displaying multiple members' values evolving along another dimension, such as time series.

There may be various ways of coloring the stacked area chart. But I found that using gradient shades of the same color makes the chart highly attractive.

[A sequel to this post: Boosting Stacked Area Chart]

I wrote a post called Ordering By Context before. In a recent Viz of The Day on 11/29/2016, I found that, a conspicuous narrative at the top of the chart, is labeled as "Bottom 90%".

It's like, the narrative says something at right, but the object is placed at left.

Placing the "Bottom 90%" at the top is not consistent with the narrative. So, I decided to move it to the bottom, which is one of the tweaks of the day.
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