In the current #MakeoverMonday project of the week 50, Ben Jones created a very nice viz. I like the layout in general. But I feel the map is hard to use as state index. As we know, on a natural map, the smaller states or countries get penalized visually.
Since all we need is an index to the states, a tiled map is a good choice which is fair to all the states. Even a linear list of states would suffice. The tiled map is just a bit fancier with a hint of geographical location.
A dotted map could be another solution to the problem. But here we go with the tiled map which has larger buttons.
A few additional tweaks are:
- Showing ranks when highlighted
- Using dimension highlighter for states. One more index to find the state of interest. It's also my first time to use this new feature in Tableau 10.
Click the image to go to the workbook.
(Refresh the page if you want to view the gif image multiple times. Or go to Tableau Public and click the button at the top-right corner.)
The key idea is to float a semi transparent worksheet on top of the dashboard, where a help text box is strategically placed on top of each chart. This way, we can explain how to view each chart and what data points are important, etc. This worksheet is collapsible by a show/hide button.
Below I would like to show how this worksheet can be constructed.
1. Sheet with a single data mark.
- Double click the empty space in Marks panel and add two single quotes. Make the null pill a text label. This creates a single null mark.
- Set the view as "Entire View"
2. Create an show/hide button
- Go to the target dashboard
- Drag a floating vertical container to the dashboard, making it cover all the area of interest.
- Drag the Single Null Mark sheet and drop it into the above container. Hide the sheet title.
- Create an open/close button for the container and place the button at the top-right corner.
3. Add annotations
- Format the sheet background opacity as 70% in the layout manager
- Select area annotations and place them anywhere of interest.
- Write help text and format it to highlight important messages.
- The text can serve as functional guide and/or insight guide.
Here is an example. Feel free to download the workbook and explore. Click the "i" button at the top-right corner to view the in-place help.
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