Zen Master Chris Love wrote a Sankey chart tutorial which is quite popular. Actually the Sigmoid-based Sankey chart was first introduced to the Tableau world by another Zen Master Jeffrey Shaffer. I am a recent convert of Sigmoid curve and love it. Check my recent post on creating Sigmoid with 2 rows of data.
Just found that the creation of a Sankey chart can be made a bit easier, mainly in the data prep stage. Let me use his same example and streamline the procedure a little bit.
I will describe 2 options here. One is for all recent Tableau versions. The other is for 10.2 or above, which doesn't need any SQL script.
For recent Tableau versions
1.Load the Superstore data set into Tableau via Legacy Connection.
2.Create this Custom SQL:
This will create the data set necessary. Here [Point] is equivalent to [ToPad] in Chris' example. Those rows are for respectively point 1 and point 49 in the curve. Then we can proceed to create [Padded] bins and trigger data densification upon it.
For Tableau 10.2+
1.Load the Superstore data set into Tableau
2.In the data source editor, add another 1-column x 2-row table as follows (in Excel)
3.Join them as follows
This method doesn't need SQL script.
4. BTW, Sigmoid expression can be written a bit more concise:
Sigmoid(t) = 1/(1+EXP(-t))
Voila, I created a little Sankey chart similar to the example of Chris.
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