Here is an example in which we have 7 slides or story points. Click image to view the interactive version.
The main design steps are:
1. Create internal index fields
Each index is a calculated field such as Point 1-7. The formula is of value 0. Can't be simpler.
2.Create the tab sheet
All the 7 tabs will be in one sheet. Right click the above index fields and drag them to the Columns shelf. Select Min() as the aggregation.
The 7 Min() fields will create 7 columns of different data marks. The order of the tab pills can be reshuffled according to the presentation need. The indices are not an indication of the presentation order.
Drag each index field into the Label shelf of respective data marks. Edit each Label which will be the text in the tab. Add mark, font, and color to format each tab indivisually.
Create a Blank field and drag it to the Rows shelf. Turn off "Show header".
3.Create story points
Each story point or slide will reside in a Floating container. There could be one or more sheets in one container. Please refer to this post on the creation process and how to use Layout Manager to precisely position the container. All containers are of the same dimension and placed on top of each other.
In our example, there will be 7 story point containers, one per each point. Name each sheet with its index in the name, such as 1.Intro, 2.Bar Chart ...
Note that in the example, we have turn on a couple of global filters. They stay visible through the entire deck.
Using area annotation to create text is quite convenient.
4.Create action filters
We need one action filter for turning on/off each point. There will be 7 of them. (The other two are for navigation tab highlighting.)
Use the tab sheet as the source and the story point sheets as target.The index fields will be used to target respective sheets.
That's it. So this will give you more control over designing a deck of story points. You probably will spend more time in doing it than using the default story points. BTW the tabs can be vertical if you wish.
Ville Tyrväinen has got some creative solution for the same issue. I have yet to understand his wizardry. He won't explain it because it may ruin further development. That certainly spurred my imagination. My method is somewhat different from his apparently. My post here might ruin somebody else's imagination. Very sorry about it.
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