1.Picture editing using PowerPoint
We used custom shapes for the torchbearers and for the cities (with a torch sign). These custom shapes are created and edited using PowerPoint, which has more picture editing functions than we care to know. I mainly used picture composition for the torchbearer badge and created transparent picture for the torch.
2.Background Images vs Custom Shapes
Initially I used custom shapes for the city pictures. But the resulting picture was kind of blurred due to likely compression. So, I chose to use background images for the city pictures and the result is much better. The picture resolution seems retained.
3.Animated gif in viz
Usually vizzes look static. Sometimes a little animation may help the theme, depending on the context. So for this exciting event, I decided to spice up the viz with an animated gif.
Tableau dashboard can accommodate animated gifs in Web Object instead of Image Object. The web object needs a URL pointing to the gif. However I don't have a website to host the gif. Then I loaded the gif to Google Slides.
Then I added the Google Slides in a web object to the dashboard, using the technique described here. I used blank containers to hide the borders of the slide.
That's all. You can download the workbook here.
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