Anywhere on the dashboard, I mean. This is a sequel to Creating Visual Tooltips.

[Update: It is reported the tooltips are not working in 10.4. I tested it in 10.5 and confirmed that it is not working either. Will update if there is a workaround.

I wrote a request for bringing the feature back to new Tableau.


Box Plot is a highly effective tool for data analysis invented by the great statistician Professor John Tukey. It gives us the following things:

- Partition of data by quartile.

- Visual spread of each quartile

- Descriptive statistics: max, min, median, upper & lower quartiles.


[Update: A new method has been posted]

In marketing nomenclature, this is called market basket analysis. The analysis is aimed at understanding customer purchasing behaviors and the correlations between products.


There came a question in Tableau forum a few days ago:

How to count current (or active) customers who ordered and to whom we delivered goods within last 4 weeks? A corollary question: what are the count of active customers at a past date?

This belongs to a general class of similar problems, which


This is a sequel to Taking Stock with Start and End Dates. We will present a new way of taking stock. It will make the calculation much easier.

Counting active orders is equivalent to taking stock. An order is active before it is shipped.


[Update] Found a new way of doing the same. It is by pivoting. Check out my video.

[Measure Names] is sitting in the Dimensions shelf in Tableau. But it is not a true dimension, because we can't do table calculations along it for example.


This post follows a few others on the same topic:

Infectious Diseases in California 2001-2014: Trends

Infectious Diseases in California 2001-2014: Top Diseases and Counties

Infectious Diseases in California 2001-2014: Men vs Women

(Click image to enable interactivity)

Box plot has been an effec

This is part of my continuous experiment to better visualize spatial data. An earlier of post is here:

Spatial Analysis by Quartile Partitioning

It was a revelation to me when I saw the California population distribution like above.

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