Creating In-Place Help Page for Tableau Dashboards
(Refresh the page if you want to view the gif image multiple times. Or go to Tableau Public and click the button at the top-right corner.)
Jake and I collaborated on a dashboard. He told me that he learnt a way to create an in-place help page in Tableau.
Accommodating Variable Height in a Text Table in Tableau
(Addendum: Jonathan Drummey has a much better Tableau-only solution that I missed from his presentation. I only caught later part of the presentation.
A 30-Day Learning Plan for Mastering Tableau
[Forward: I asked ChatGPT o1-mini who then wrote this. Hope it helps. All the credit and the blame go to ChatGPT.
I went over the plan and it looked decent. Whether it can be done in 30 days or not, it depends on the person and the time he spends on it.
Embedding Mundane Charts with Pareto Insights
Mundane charts are those basic ones that all data visualization beginners can create, possibly with Show Me in Tableau. They are the boring ones at times because many people tend to create fancier ones just to show off.
Creating Pareto Chart Multiples in Tableau
A while ago, Sharon came to me asking a question regarding Pareto Chart Multiples. That is, per each category, there is a Pareto chart. And we need to create Pareto charts for all the categories.
A Preview of Sankey Chart Type in Tableau 2024
[Update: The product manager Wilson Po alerted me that the Viz Extension is still a work in progress. It will not be part of the incoming version 2024.1. Instead, it will be released later in 2024. Just be patient]
Tableau 2024.1 is coming. I got a chance to test drive it.
AI's Perception of People Looks in USA
Buzzfeed recently asked Midjourney to draw images of people in 50 US states. So the AI drawing tool created 50 images of couples that represent its perception of the people in each state.
I just put the images into a tiled map in Tableau. Each image is added as a background in each tile.
AI's Perception of Top US Banks as a Dog
The folks at Business Expert had a brilliant idea. They asked AI's perception on UK banks as a dog. I am inspired to do the same on US banks.
ChatGPT is asked to confess its perceptions on top US banks as a dog. Then Midjourney is tasked to generate the images.
Multi-Level Sankey with the New Sankey Chart Type in Tableau
Through my previous post on the new Sankey chart type, I got in touch with Wilson, the product manager leading the development of this new chart type. I made some comments on creating multi-level Sankey via cascading of single Sankey's.
A First Look into the New Sankey Chart Type in Tableau
As an enthusiastic user of Sankey charts, I am excited to learn that a Sankey chart type is being piloted in Tableau Public (Web Edit only). I wrote about Sankey chart design in multiple posts. Sankey chart may appear in different forms depending on applications.
Visualizing Cross-Tab Tables with Column Sort
Just came across a report by Reuters on USA-China gap widens between respective internet giants. The report includes a text table. The caption says the table columns can be sorted. But it is a static image. (They retracted the table after I reported the issue.)
It picked my interest.
A Couple of Mismatches in Tableau's Map
In the process of creating a dashboard on the US Travel Advisory 2023, I found some mismatches in a few regions in two countries.
Gaza Strip
One is Gaza Strip in Palestinian Territories. In the latter, there are two regions: Gaza Strip and West Bank.
Converting Date to Fiscal Calendar Date in Excel
This is a follow up post to Fiscal Calendar Calculations Cheatsheet for Tableau.
Excel is a very important tool for data analysis and calculations. It's also an important data repository for Tableau.
Converting Date to Fiscal Calendar Date in Tableau
Week-based calendars are used in many companies as their fiscal calendars. The total weeks in a fiscal year is 52 weeks, that is, 364 days. Each quarter has 13 weeks. There are 3 varieties of 13 weeks: 5-4-4, 4-5-4 and 4-4-5 weeks per quarter. In leap years, there are 53 weeks or 371 days.
Resolving Simpson's Paradox: The Whole vs The Parts
Christine suggested me to have a look at Simpson's Paradox, following my recent posts on Anscrombe's Quartet and Datasaurus Dozen. They are all about learning to look at statistics in an impartial way.
#TweakThursday: Horizontal vs Vertical Bars
#TweakThursday: From time to time I tweak someone else's public viz and try to make it better to my subjective view.
Recreating Datasaurus Dozen in Tableau
This post is about 13 data sets, known as Datasaurus Dozen, that have the same stats and different distributions. Stats can be deceiving while data visualization can makes a big difference.
Rendering Anscombe's Quartet in Tableau
Francis Anscombe, a British statistician and a professor at Princeton and Yale, constructed 4 different sets of data which all have the same stats, known as Anscombe's quartet. However the quartet's data distributions are quite different.
Stats alone can be deceiving.
How to install database drivers for Tableau in Mac
In a single day, I am asked twice the same question: how to install database drivers for Tableau in Mac? The question of the day is regarding the drivers for Presto and PostgreSQL databases. The docs online may not answer the question exactly.
Drawing Line Charts without Axis Offset in Tableau
There are always more than one ways to skin a cat. In Tableau, there is always one more way to design the same chart. Mastering them will give us more options to satisfy the various requirements we may be asked for.
Line chart is one of the most basic ones.
Charting "Top N and Others" via Table Calculations in Tableau
I almost named the post as Charting "Top N and Others" via Post-filtering. Read on to understand why.
Visualizing "Top N and Others" is an often required business use case. A popular solution is by creating a top N set. That's the one I have been using through the years.
Calculating YoY of Quarterly and Yearly Sums in Tableau
Angel works in Finance. She often asks me questions on calculations in a table. Today I got this question: How to calculate Year over Year (YoY) change ratios for both quarterly and yearly sums, in a single sheet?
Here is the solution we got. First there are two parts for the YoY calculation.
Imagining Tableau Social
Just came back from Tableau Conference 2022 at Las Vegas. What an exciting event! The most exciting thing is reuniting with old friends and meeting with the datafam people known online for years.
Attended first time the Tableau Visionary summit.
Imagining an Enhanced Formula Editor for Tableau
A little enhancement in the formula editor can make a big difference for whose who create formula all the time in Tableau. Here are my wishes for a future editor.
Highlighting Syntax Words
Currently a formula in Tableau can look plain and a bit uninspiring.
Filtering Partial Date Period in Tableau
For the sake of uniformity in a bar chart, we may need to filter out dates in the latest partial week, month, quarter or year. That is what Parinita asked me about a filter to do just that.