1. My daughter is doing an internship at the Dept of Public Health in San Francisco County. She pointed me to a data set regarding all the 65 infectious diseases in California. To understand it, I built this dashboard about it. It is meant to be a graphical tool for exploring the diseases trend and distribution in the 58 counties of California. The filters include
    - county (58 counties)
    - disease (65 diseases)
    - sex (Male/Female)
    - year (2001-2014)

    All numbers are based on prevalence (Cases/100,000 population). The map is based on Mapbox.

    Click the image to turn on the interactive version.

    Feel free to share the dashboard with other interested parties.

    BTW, California seems very susceptible to infectious diseases according to this Washington Post article in 2014 California: A Land of Infectious Disease?

    This post is followed by two more posts on the same data set:
    Infectious Diseases in California 2001-2014: Top Diseases and Counties
    Infectious Diseases in California 2001-2014: Men vs Women


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  2. So much honored to be named as a Tableau Ambassador 2016!

    Below is a viz dedicated to the class 2016, my fellow ambassadors. In the viz, I experimented with some monster tooltips or viz over viz. The background is from MapBox.

    The pictures rendered in Tableau Public can be blurry sometimes, because Tableau seems unable to handle HD image in Shapes for the moment. With a tooltip, one can see better. Click the image to see the interactive version.
    More screenshots:
    Have a great 2016 and the Year of the Monkey!

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