There are many unknown factors behind the mass shooting incidents (defined as 4 or more victims per incident, dead or wounded). It is not an easy matter to figure them all out. Here we try to exhibit some seasonality of the incidents which is above the specific reasons behind each incident.

Previous blogs on this topic are here

US Mass Shootings 2013-2015: Incidents vs Population

US Mass Shootings 2013-2015: Geo and Temporal Distributions

Spatial Analysis by Quartile Partitioning (Analysis methodology used)

Data source:


This is charting the incidents as time series.

At nation level, 2014 has got a bit less incidents than 2013 and 2015.

Due to popular demand, here you have it. Click the image to view the interactive version, in which you can sort by frequency. This is based on the new rules which became effective on 9/30/2015.

After I published the study of US mass shooting distribution from 2013 to 2015, I am asked by some: are those incidents in proportion to the population?

Hence comes this further research on incidents vs population. I used three measures for the comparison:

- population rank

- incident occurrence rank

- incidents/population rank

I chose to use a sorted DNA chart to compare the three measures.
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