US mass shootings have been a society problem for quite some years. Gun violence is a problem that is particular in the US where we have the best of technology and thinkers, but we don't know what to do with the guns.
Here is an effort to understand the distribution of mass shooting incidents. Mass shooting is defined as an incident where 4 or more people got shot, whether killed or wounded. The study will lead us to gain certain insights into the pattern of the problem.
The data set is from Shooting Tracker which is now merged with Gun Violence Archive.
Temporal Distribution
We have performed weekly, monthly and quarterly aggregations of the incidents. The insights are quite obvious:
- Weekend incidents are way more than working days. Saturday ~2x more. Sunday ~3x.
- Summer months may witness more mass shooting incidents.
- Q3 is the highest in the number of incidents.
Geo distribution
We used quartile-based approach to analyze the distributions.
By using quartiles along longitude, we see that 75% of events are in the Eastern part of the US.
By using quartiles along longitude first, followed by latitude quartiles within each longitude quartile, we get 16 contiguous area of equal number of incidents. In other words, we created 16 quantiles. Then we calculate the size of each quantile and use the size value (actually using LN(size)) to create a reverse heatmap. Now we see right away that the metropolitans of New York and Chicago are the highest in incidents density.
That's the research result of lately. Feel free to improve it and comment on it.
Click the above image to view the interactive version and download the workbook.
There are other Tableau visualizations on the incidents from different angles:
Dash Davidson
Andy Kriebel
Michael Mixon
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