So here are a few updates:
- added Custom SQL which is an integral part of the Tableau functions. It can be used as the first filter and transformer for the raw data.
- added context filter for the secondary data source before blending.
- moved blending to be after context filters.
I would like to point out that the dimension filters have two genres:
- Linking dimension filters will operate on both primary and secondary data source.
- Non-linking dimension filters will operate on their respective data source.
Linking dimension filters work after blending.
Non-linking dimension filters seem to work before blending. But as long as they only filter their respective data source with or without blending, the order of operations between blending and non-linking dimension filters doesn't matter . We can thus assume all dimension filters operate after blending.
So here is the new order of operations diagram drawn in Tableau. Click to see the viz.
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