Histogram can be created in many ways. The de facto histogram is built with bars. With Index() we can create one a bit more colorful. Click image below to see an interactive version or download the workbook. Will describe how to create this next.
This one is created in Gantt chart, overlaid with boxplot and colored by [Profit]. It is regarding the customer distribution sliced by the number of orders, based on the superstore data set.

The important steps to create the chart are:

1.Create a calc field [CountD of Order] and move it to Columns. Turn it to continuous.
2.Drag [Customer ID] to Detail shelf.
3.Create Index=index() and move it to Rows. Set it to compute use [Customer ID].
4.Select Gantt chart in Marks.
5.Drag [Profit] to Color shelf.
Now the Gantt marks are colored but not sorted.
6.Right click Index and select Edit Table Calculation. In the advanced settings, set the sorting by Sum(Profit).
7.Turn on boxplot either by adding reference line or dragging from the analytics tab.
8.Add labels to the chart by holding CTRL key and drag the Index pill to the Label shelf. This makes a copy of the pill.

Now we got an alternative histogram that tells us the distribution per number of orders, variance, profitability. Note that, with every mark out there, one can drill down to the gory details.


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