I am learning a bit more Level of Details(LOD) in Tableau 9 every day. My question has been what it does more to our calculations and analysis? It seem we can do a lot without LOD. Maybe it's just the convenience of using Fixed/Include/Exclude to create aggregations? The formulas becomes shorter and more compact?

My biggest question remains: what can LOD do that we can't do without LOD? What makes LOD absolutely necessary? Anything LOD can do 10x or 100x better than what we have got?

Oh LOD, you see, I have had quite a few doubts and questions.

Simply put, it took a bit of time for me to appreciate the power of LOD.

Recently I got some answers. I am going to use my favorite topic "Histogram" to present my findings.

Histogram is a simple and popular analysis method.

So much honored and flattered that my Turing Award Viz is named one of "The Chosen of the Chosen" in Tableau's April Viz Roundup.

It's amazing that Tableau's blog is published in 8 languages. And one thing is sure that they are not using Google Translate. I tested it by using Google Translate to translate the English version to French. The output is like garbage.

The translation of "the Chosen of the Chosen" in most languages is straightforward, ie, Google Translate can do it.

I have written a blog on the same topic a while ago, based on creating sets. The sets approach is good when no filter is in action. The approach described here can be more general.

This is a companion post to Grouping Lower Ranked Bars in Bar Chart. We will use most of the same calculated fields.

Step 1. Create an integer parameter [Top N].

Step 2. Drag [Country / Region] to Details shelf and sort it by Sum(Sales) in descending order.

Step 3.
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