Histograms on Aggregated Measures without Table Calculations
The Problem
Following a question in Tableau Forum, I provided a solution.
The problem can be stated as follows:
Given a number of devices operating during a day, the requirement is to count the number of devices per amount of total time in operation.
Blending the Seemingly Unblendable
In Tableau forum, Danny Lee asked a question: How to blend two data sources, Salesforce and Amazon RedShift by country? The blending request sounds reasonable. What's problem?
The problem is that the countries are in different notations: One is in short format, and the other is in long format.
Selected as Best of the Tableau Web in Jan 2015
One of my articles Embed Youtube in Tableau with Full Screen:
is selected as the Best of Tableau Web January 2015:
Thanks to the Tableau Commun
Published Data Sources: The Good and The Insufficient
The Good
Publishing data sources to the server allows us to
- Centralize data sources (much like a data mart)
- Share them with all the authenticated users
- Reduce workbook sizes
- Increase workbook publishing/upload speed
- Schedule data refresh with fixed frequency
The Insufficient
Tableau Online Inaccessible from China
Tableau Online is a cloud service for data visualization by Tableau Software.
Auto Server Refresh of Tableau Data via Alteryx
Alteryx is a very cool ETL tool, the new kid in the block. New to me alone maybe. In combination with Tableau, it can help us streamline our data workflow and automate data visualization, especially for up to date monitoring.
2Dual Axis: To Be or Not To Be
Dual axis is a great yet succinct way of showing two sets of measures in contrasting or complementary styles. It is a must have in our viz design arsenal.
I noticed sometimes one may choose to use dual axis while it is not necessary.