Replacing Data Source Breaks Everything: Cause, Workaround & Ultimate Fix
[Update: A fast solution has been posted
In my work, after building a workbook based on a data source (a file or a database connection), I extract the data and publish the extract to the server as a data source.
Embedding Youtube in Tableau with Full Screen
In my recent design of the Khan Academy Viz, I came across an issue: The embedded Youtube video player in Tableau is not showing full screen button (only after published to the server). A video player without full screen is unthinkable and I need to find a solution.
Khan Academy in the Box
Having the honor of serving for Khan Academy as the Mandarin/Chinese advocate on volunteer basis since 2011, I recently resigned because of getting busy with my current work. But I never cease to love the Academy. Here is a little effort to put all the videos in multiple languages into a simple box.