The main features are:
- Lollipops vertically arranged to use the same revenue axis + top N team highlights.
- Pie Charts with dynamic top N teams + the rest in a single group.
- Box Plots as visual stats summaries.
- Pareto Chart for comparing the Top N teams' share of the overall revenue, a different view from the pie charts. Given a percentage, we see how many top teams are sharing it.
There are a few touch-ups that might be worth mentioning:
- Judiciously picked colors such as Spanish red and yellow, British blue and Wimbledon green.
- Made the pie clockwise by sorting the revenue (at Andy's suggestion). "Others" is always the last slice no matter how big a slice it is.
- Added percentage along with team names to the pie label. Tableau 8 makes this easy!
- Made "Others" disappear when N reaches 19.
- Made sure all the slices have distinct colors by setting the default. Tableau curiously allocates duplicate colors in a pie and made them next to each other.
- Let "Others" label dynamically show the number of teams in it.
The insights I gained from the comparison are:
- The Premier League revenue are more evenly shared among all the teams than those in La Liga. That's probably why the former is way more exciting! It makes the teams more competitive. From the Pareto Chart, we see that the top 2 teams in La Liga almost grabbed 50% of the total revenue while in Premier League, it's the top 9 teams.
- I didn't realize that Tottenham got more revenue than Arsenal. If we have the profit data, I would like to see who is the most profitable team in absolute number and in ROI.
The dashboard is too wide to be embedded here. This is the external link:

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