Update 2: This is announced as fixed in Tableau Desktop 8.2.2 but not in server


Update 1: After communicating with Tableau support staff, the question came down to: whose color range definition to respect? The user's or the data source range?

In the absence of color range definition, Tableau uses the data source's lowest-highest values to set color range. That's totally fine.

However, when the user has defined the color range, Tableau has no excuse but to follow the user's definition.

For example, the user defines the color range to be 1-100. Even if the the data source has a range of 10-20 or -100 to +200, you just can't use those as the color range. You have to respect what the user defines. He means it.


The above article is about a nice date filter that defaults to last date in the data source. For example, it allows us to always default to the current month.

The key settings for the filter (assume it's a month/year filter) are:

1.Select Use All the data 

This option allows us to get all the data available, instead of from a specific list. So it is dynamic and always has the most recent data.

Update: Tableau just informed me that they will fix this in 8.2, which will be soon released.


When I select full color range AND set Center==End==Same_Value, it hangs and then crashes. In this example, Center==End==50. I know it's a little extreme, but. By the way, I am using Tableau 8.1.6 and run it on Wondows 7.

I sent Tableau a test twbx package so that they can reproduce the bug easily. And they did reproduce it and assign case #00732759. It's now escalated to the development team.
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