When I select full color range AND set Center==End==Same_Value, it hangs and then crashes. In this example, Center==End==50. I know it's a little extreme, but. By the way, I am using Tableau 8.1.6 and run it on Wondows 7.
I sent Tableau a test twbx package so that they can reproduce the bug easily. And they did reproduce it and assign case #00732759. It's now escalated to the development team.To report bugs to Tableau, or get customer support, one has to be a licensed user to do that. That is, create an account at http://customer.tableausoftware.com and report cases there. If you are a Tableau Public user, even if you discovered bugs, seems there is no way to report it. You can always post something in the community forum.
This case management site is actually a cloud service by Salesforce.com or force.com
In every release they fix quite a few bugs. It's getting better all the time.
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